Former Minecraft developer finds building blocks of contentment in Limerick and feminism
LI YIMING, from a small city in central China, had been working for NetEase, one of the developers responsible for the gaming sensation Minecraft, for three years, and even longer in the wider tech industry.

Godie wants to give Limerick audiences a musical hug
LIKE many before him, historian, composer, and musician Diego Alejandro Jara Neguel – known as Godie to those in the know – first came to Limerick to improve his English. Like many before him too, he also came in search of inspiration.

Limerick’s jazz Jedi faces the music and the world
BEST known by his stage name Fer Kenobii – earned for his distinctive Star Wars inspired dress sense – Limerick’s jazz Jedi Luis Fernando Sanchez Garcia left Mexico City for Limerick City in search of a career in music.

The ‘Tell your own story’ Initiative
It began with a simple idea…. people telling stories that represent the rich multiculturality present on campus, in the city and in the local community.

Food, Self & Identity with… Mamobo Ogoro
“Nigerian Food gives me the most comfort”
Mamobo Ogoro

Food, Self & Identity with…Mahmoud Adda Djeffal
“I have memories as a young boy, coming back from school and being welcomed by the smell of freshly chopped coriander.”
Mahmoud Adda Djeffal

Stories of Kindness
Four international students from diverse cultural backgrounds were invited to share stories of kindness that they had experienced since they arrived in Ireland.

Food, Self & Identity with… Sandrine Ndahiro
“I am a talker. I talk through the whole meal and everyone has finished before me.”
Sandrine Ndahiro

Food, Self & Identity with… Donal Ryan
“I keep those calories. I keeps ‘em all. I stores ‘em up.”
Donal Ryan